European Commission IPv6 Task Force
IPv6 Task Force Italiana


Stai usando IPv4


Gennaio 2007 - Febbraio 2007

[04/02/2007 - The world's largest field testing environment for 4G network built in Shanghai] The Shanghai Research Center for wireless communications recently announced that the first 4G wireless transmission system on the Chinese mainland has passed a live test, and is now at the phase of field testing and pre-commercial use. In Shanghai the world's largest 4G network field testing environment has been built.
Wei Guo, a member of the FuTRUE project group and a professor at the University of Science and Technology of China, said that "this is the largest B 3G testing system in the world, and it integrates such technologies as IPv6 Core Networking, High Definition Business of IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) and Mobile Communication Switching".

[04/02/2007 - KT develops next-generation WiBro system] KT Corp., the nation's largest broadband operator, said yesterday it has developed a new WiBro system based on the next-generation IPv6 (internet protocol version 6) computing technologies.

[04/02/2007 - NTT America to Showcase IPv6 Capabilities at ICAC's Reception and Technology Exhibition] NTT America, a wholly-owned U.S. subsidiary of NTT Communications Corporation, today announced that it will participate in the tenth annual "Reception and Technology Exhibition" hosted by the Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee (ICAC).

[04/02/2007 - Mitigate IPv6's Fright Factor] Today everyone is competing for IP addresses. Rather than jump into the complex realm of IPv6, many companies are scrambling to maximize their IPv4 allocations—an increasingly challenging prospect as IP addresses become scarce.

[04/02/2007 - The machine stops: IPv6 and the growth of the internet] How could Gutenberg and Caxton have known that the invention of the printing press would be a massive force for the democratisation of knowledge and central to the transformation of a feudal society into the beginnings of a recognisably modern world via the Renaissance and the Reformation? The ability of printing presses to produce a massive volume of information, especially on religion and science, helped to break the elitist monopoly of the Roman Catholic Church.

[02/02/2007 - NIST @ Work: Hash Algorithms and IPv6] What I like about the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is that the folks who work there are so busy. They're doing cool -- and important -- stuff all the time. Plus NIST has taken the lead on a lot of critical issues; the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) comes to mind.

[01/02/2007 - IPv6 India: Reality Check] The mobile revolution is the current happening thing in India. With the availability of so many digital devices like cell phones, PDAs, smartphones, etc that can be connected to the Internet there is a growing need for IP addresses. There's no way that IPv4 would be able to handle this onslaught of new devices.

[01/02/2007 - NIST sends IPv6 profile out for comment] The IP Version 6 standards for testing and profiling that exist in the Defense Department and in industry fall short of the needs of the civilian federal agencies, the National Institute of Standards and Technology found in a draft special publication sent to the CIO Council yesterday for comment.